Granite Countertop Pros & Cons

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Advantages and disadvantages of granite.

Granite is the most popular stone for counter tops for good reason. It has many advantages and virtually no disadvantages.


Granite is best known for it's beauty and durability at an affordable price.

Granite Countertop Ratings

Ratings 1 to 10, with 10 being the "Best".

Durability - 10
Color Selection - 10
Natural Beauty - 10
Health Issues - 9
Relative Price - 6*

*To other stones, 10 being the most expensive.


There are no major disadvantages to using granite for your countertops.


Granite should be sealed twice a year to keep microorganisms out of the tiny fissures and pits that are natural in any granite slab. It is a very simple, quick and easy process. It takes less than five minutes to apply the sealant with a clean rag, let it dry for half an hour and then wipe away the residue in a couple of minutes. This not only seals the granite but renews the shine. When you're done it looks fabulous. Most consumers seal it approximately four times a year because it looks so good when they’re done.

Call today and let us clear up any questions you may have about granite counter tops.

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